Out and about

Since the weather has finally returned to normal Piper and Mommy could get out again today.  They did lots of errands and took a nice long walk around the neighborhood.  Piper is still doing well taking a bottle and has also discovered her fingers.  It’s been hard taking a photo without one in her mouth lately.    She’s been sleeping good and is now able to entertain herself for little bits of time.  It’s been wonderful watching her grow!

Play Date at the Park

Piper had her first trip to the park with her friend Gracie where they had a great time together.  Gracie showed Piper the ropes and filled her in on all the fun things to do.  Piper enjoyed all the rides especially bouncing on the horses!  They had a little snack together and then called it a day.  Piper can’t wait to go back and hopefully she will have grown a bit more for the swings.

Lunch time with Talulah & Piper

Well Talulah & Piper are now so grown up that they decided they should “do lunch” together.   So they met up at the Pump Station in Hollywood (no men allowed, thank goodness) and then had lunch.  Piper promptly fell asleep when the menu arrived (bottom photo).  Oh well, I guess there’s always next time.

Talulah and Piper had a fun time together regardless of how much sleeping and crying was involved.  Talulah taught Piper how to be calm while Piper was teaching Talulah how to discover her vocal abilities.

Getting ready for bed (18 Weeks)

What a great crisp day it turned out to be with the clouds rolling away and sunshine to take it’s place.  Piper had an outing with mommy to get some supplies and see some new sites.

Later this evening, she got her bath with the help from mom and dad in preparation of a full night of sleep.  Trying to get her more on a schedule and so far she’s taking really well to it.  Tomorrow, she’s looking forward a play date with her friend from across town.

Sunday blues

By ‘Sunday Blues’ we mean Piper is showing off her winter coat that is a very warm and comfy blue snowman outfit from Grandma!  So she had another day indoors while the storms outside had their way with things.

The week has been a very amazing turn around for Piper.  She has taken very nicely to the bottle and mommy couldn’t be more proud!  This all came together last Monday when Jen decided to try a bottle while Piper sat in her bouncy watching tennis and it worked.  She then gradually replaced a feeding with the bottle until all the daytime feedings were replaced.  Daddy was able to help out a few times this weekend which made things very nice!  We even tried supplementing half of a feeding with formula which she took very well to (really pushing our luck now!).  We hope it continues because we almost can’t believe our luck!  Our baby is really growing up!