It’s the little things

As Piper gets back on track with things here in Pasadena, she’s getting more verbal and aware of everything around her.  She particularly likes being in a position that allows her to look out at everything.  Curious this one is..

The day was pleasant and we had a very nice walk around the neighborhood where Piper took in all she could before a nice mid-afternoon nap.  This all happened while in her stroller with the soothing rumblings of the road passing beneath her.  Once she got home, Uncle Mike & Aunt Christine (sorry no photo) came to visit before Piper’s last outing of the day.  We headed to Target where she got a brand new tub to splash and play around in.  It’s the little things in life that keeps it going; a new tub, a nice visit from family and a fun outing with mom & dad.