Piper the Painter

Piper loves doing arts and crafts especially painting pictures.  This is one of her favorite things!  There isn’t a day that goes by without Piper sitting at her easel painting. 

She has painted a picture of mommy, daddy and Andrew in the painting below.  She included eyes, noses, smiles, hair and eyebrows.  Also, she painted all the letters except the A.  It’s fun watching her skills improve each day.

8 Months Old!

We can’t believe Andrew is 8 months old already.  How did this happen?!  Where did the time go?!  Time moves so much faster with the second baby.

Andrew is getting very strong at sitting up.  He will reach for objects out of his grasp without falling over.  He’s also loves rolling to get places.  We will leave him for a split second and he’s already rolled halfway across the room.  Eating solid food is one of his favorite things to do along with playing in his exersaucers.  He also loves sleeping on his tummy.  Piper is still the number one girl in his life besides mommy.  He just lights up when he sees her and wants to do everything she is doing.   Drew is finally saying da-dah instead of the happy growling noises.  This is just a fun time and we know it’s only going to get better!

Below is a comparison photo of Piper and Andrew. 

Piper at 8 months                                                Andrew at 8 months

Our Sweet Andrew

We are so blessed to have such a sweet little guy.  He’s always happy and pleasant.  Never  cranky or needy.  His smile and laugh warms our hearts.  We are so thankful for such wonderful children!

Nap Time

Piper still takes a nap everyday.  When she moved to the big girl bed we told her she could read a few stories before going to sleep.  She’s done a great job of doing exactly that.  Today when mom peeked in to wake her up she found her asleep beneath a book.  She must have been so tired that she fell asleep reading. 

These aren’t staged photos.  That is Piper still asleep under that book!

Girls Day

Piper and mommy spent the day at Disneyland together.  It was nice girls day.   Mommy was hoping to try some new rides today but Piper wanted to stick to her routine favorites.  One new ride that Piper tried and loved was Autopia.  She was able to drive a car with guide rails on a fun motorway course.  The highlight of Piper’s day was seeing Handy Manny.  She wasn’t sure what to do and was very shy.

Andrew had a great day with the babysitter! 

Behind Piper is the car she was able to drive on the Autopia attraction

The Merry-Go-Round

Tea Cups