Piper and Caden

Piper had a visit from her friend Caden who is now 8 months old.  She showed him some of her toys while the mommies chatted.  We hope they are good buds when they get older.

Piper’s Family Party

We had a small birthday party for Piper while we were back East.  Here are some of the photos from the evening.

tasting the cake

lots of love for baby Micah

an unsuccessful cousins group photo


Our Two Year Old

At two years Piper weighs 24 pounds 8 ounces and is 35 inches tall.  We won’t see the doctor until next month for her check-up.

Above she is pictured wearing a very large Elmo shirt.  By the time it fits she won’t be into him anymore.

Piper’s Birthday Celebration       

Piper had a great day celebrating with friends and family.  She talked to Grandma and Grandpa S. who sang Happy Birthday over the computer.  Then, her best buds came over for cake and continued the celebration.  We can’t believe our baby is 2!! 

What a fun gift!  Thank you!!

playing with stickers

Happy Birthday…

Group shot 1

Preston, Piper, Jackson & Ben

Group shot 2

Preston, Ben, Piper & Jackson