Last Day of 3rd Grade!

We can’t believe it’s the end of the school year. Andrew’s teacher made it very special for the last week of school by doing a couple special group zoom calls this week. Today they ended the year as a class on Zoom. We will definitely miss Ms. Edge! She provided a safe space for the kids to be who they are and always encourage self growth. She was a great teacher! Now on to 4th grade…

Andrew’s last day of 3rd Grade!
We met his best friend for ice cream as a treat for the year ending.
Last Zoom with the class today

Weekend Fun

Enjoying cutting the grass
We watched a movie on Saturday outside
Piper has been painting a lot and avocados are her new thing!
Singing in the rain! We had a great rainfall which we needed!


After getting all our chores done we headed over to Central Park for a walk.
It was a beautiful day to be outside!
The cats are really enjoying their time outside