Happy Birthday, Mommy!

Piper & daddy celebrated mommy’s birthday by taking her out then came home to sing happy birthday.  Piper helped mommy blow out the candles and dig into the chocolate icing.  All in all is was a fun day, can’t wait for left overs tomorrow! 

What a Day!

Piper had a very busy day today.  First she went to her playgroup at Ethan’s house.  Everyone sang happy birthday to mommy who celebrates her birthday on Thursday.  One mommy even made honey sweet rolls as special treat.  Piper had a great time!

Then Piper and mommy met Preston’s little brother Landon Chase who was born last Wednesday.  Piper couldn’t wait to hold him.  She actually didn’t want to leave.  We can’t wait for her baby brother to arrive because she is going to be a great big sister!

Finally, Piper saw her Grandpa and Grandma Deelo who are out visiting.  They stopped by to see Piper’s new house and have dinner with us.  It was a very nice way to end such a great day!

Painting Pictures

Piper enjoys coloring pictures so we thought she might also like to try painting.  We got her some watercolors and she loves them!  Actually that is all she wants to do now.  It’s fun watching her be so creative!

Spring Showers

Today we had an unseasonal Spring shower.  Piper couldn’t wait to get her boots and rain coat back on.   We took a walk around the block in the sprinkles and splashed in lots of puddles. 

Earlier that day she met Jackson at the park to get some energy out.

Weekend Fun

This weekend we went to Rylan’s 2nd birthday party.  He is a little boy in Piper’s playgroup.  It was at an indoor playground and all the kids had a blast!  Piper stayed in the bouncy house for most of the night.  On Sunday Piper went to visit Ben but unfortunately we  don’t have any photos from her visit.

Piper and Jackson patiently waiting for cake

a few tries at a group shot with the kids