Another Tooth!

Piper lost her third tooth Monday night.  It has been very loose for about a week and she finally pulled it out right before bed.  She was so excited!  We love her new smile.IMG_2912

Descanso Gardens

On Saturday we spent the morning roaming around the Descanso Gardens.  There wasn’t a lot in bloom yet but it was a lovely day.DSC_0424 DSC_0415 Checking the map DSC_0423 IMG_2902The Oaks DSC_0432 DSC_0431  DSC_0419

Hanging Out with Friends

We’ve had a busy week full of playdates.  Also we had a visit from a very special person – Uncle Tommy!!  The kids were so excited to be hanging out with him on Friday night.  They wished he could have stayed longer!!IMG_2895 DSC_0414It was a fun Wednesday afternoon with Bella.  She came home with us after school. Earlier in the week we saw our friends Mike and Jack and on Friday Caden came to visit. Good stuff!

Another January Beach Day

On Sunday we promised to take the kids to the beach before checking the weather.  It wasn’t going to be as warm and sunny as it had been.  But by the time we got there in the middle of the afternoon it was perfect.  The sun came out and it was in the mid 70’s.  The kids of course wanted to get in the water.  It was chilly but they loved every minute.  After we played at the beach we walked through the main street of Seal Beach and got some ice cream.  We did forget to bring the camera so all the pictures are from our phones.

Good news the Colby Fire will be 100% contained on Wednesday!  Ya!IMG_2871 Getting readyIMG_2875 IMG_2873 IMG_2878 IMG_0029 IMG_2883 IMG_0064warming up