Still on the Mends

Piper still isn’t feeling great today.  We took it easy by taking a small walk around the grounds of the Pasadena Cal-Tech College.  Piper enjoyed it but will have a better time once she is feeling herself again.

Piper was very happy to be almost as tall as her daddy

Piper found a fountain where she could have played all day

taking a break to go through mommy’s purse

back at home snuggling with mr. bear

17 Months Old

We can’t believe our little one is almost a year and a half!  Piper is so much fun!  We love every moment not wanting each stage to pass only to find out the next phase is just as great.  We’re so fortunate to have such a great little girl.

Unfortunately, Piper is sick with an ear infection.  She took a trip to the doctors on Wednesday after developing a fever Tuesday.  She’s getting better and should be back close to 100% by Saturday. 

Below are some photos of Piper feeding Miss Dolly and friends.

A Day in Pasadena

Piper was able to play with Grandma and Grandpa Deelo at home today and show them around Pasadena.

hanging out at the house

showing off the Rose Bowl

playing with my fishy ball

love being read stories


Piper has been a very busy girl lately.  Today, she visited the Long Beach Aquarium.  This was a great place for Piper to see because she loves water and loves saying the word “fish”.  They had an outdoor area with lots of sprinklers.  Piper was so soaked after playing in them we had to change her outfit.   She was able to spend the day with her Grandma and Grandpa Deelo which made it extra special.  Aunt Rebecca, Aunt Christine, Uncle Mike and cousin Gabby were also there to join in on the fun. 

Piper knows what stars are and was excited to show Aunt Becca.

Checking out the sea lions

Walt Disney Studio

Today, Piper and mommy had lunch with a friend at the Walt Disney Studio.  It was a very special treat!  After letting Piper roam around in the great grass areas they took a quick tour of the campus.  Piper wore herself out with all that walking and being social.  She can’t wait to go back!

Posing with Mini

hanging out at Pluto’s corner which includes his own fire hydrant

too busy to pose with Mickey

a great day!  I love my souvenir mini mouse!