Celebrating Mom’s Birthday

Piper loves birthdays!  Not just her own birthday but everyone else’s too!  She’s been wishing me a Happy Birthday for over a week now.  It’s very sweet.  Today she also made many cards, pictures and a necklace all by herself.  Tonight we celebrated by going out to eat at our favorite place and having cake.  It was a wonderful day.IMG_1924 IMG_2521

Great Day in Santa Barbara

We had a wonderful day in Santa Barbara.  When you can’t be in Hawaii for your birthday, Santa Barbara comes a close second.  We hung out at the beach and dipped our toes in the cold water.  The kids didn’t seem to mind.  Then we had a wonderful lunch at Brophy Bros. Restaurant.  Before we headed home we walked along the trail at the Douglas Preserve.  We saw a whale which was a huge treat!DSC_0177 DSC_0225 DSC_0211 Two cutie-pies!DSC_0172 Playing in the sandIMG_1885DSC_0200 DSC_0199 DSC_0171  IMG_1894 IMG_1901The Marina where we had lunch.DSC_0246 The view from the Douglas Preserve IMG_1905DSC_0238 DSC_0255Love it up here!!

A Day at Disneyland

Today we snuck away to Disney for the day.  The weather didn’t really cooperate and stayed cool and gloomy the whole time.  We did luck out and got to see Daisy and Donald.  We’ve never had the chance to take photos with them before.  Daisy was so much fun and  danced with Piper.  Andrew kept his distance not wanting to get too close.  The highlight of the day was going to the Disney Jr. Show where the kids saw all their favorite characters.  Jake and the Neverland Pirates is on the daily rotation right now.  Who by the way we got to wave to as he walked by outside of the theater.  How fortunate we are to live so close to Disney!DSC_0153 Behind Daisy is Main Street and the Castle.DSC_0156 DSC_0127 DSC_0129DSC_0131 DSC_0133Small WorldDSC_0162 This is a photo from California Adventure.  That is a backdrop of blue sky. DSC_0161 DSC_0144  DSC_0138

Weekend of Trains and Parks

This weekend we took the Light Rail Train to South Pasadena where the kids got ice-cream.  We also stopped off at a used book store and loaded up on some good finds for Andrew.  It was alot of fun.  Andrew had the best time and has been asking to go back on the train ever since.  I think we started something…IMG_1822 IMG_1827 waiting for their ice-creamIMG_1829 IMG_1832 IMG_1834

On Sunday we went to the park and had lunch at Lemonade. IMG_1852 IMG_1855 IMG_1856 IMG_1862


This week we sadly said good-bye to Grandma.  It was so nice having her here for a visit.  Piper enjoyed baking lots of goodies with her along with reading, coloring and doing homework together.  Andrew just loved it all!  We can’t wait to be together again.DSC_0088