I think I’ll stay

As it turns out, Piper (and mommy) simply couldn’t head back to California with daddy without seeing Pittsburgh!  They took the tour of downtown to see Macy’s decorated windows and have lunch with ‘the girls’.

Daave had to be back for work and more jury duty this week.  He’s back in California suffering through the 72 degree weather with sunny skies.  Who knows? Maybe Piper will get to see that snow after all!

Meeting Uncle Tom

Uncle Tom blew in to town for a very brief stay and met up with Piper.  They both got along swimmingly and discussed many things which she had on her mind.  Or maybe that was just a soiled diaper she was talking about.  Never the less, she and her Uncle Tom seemed to hit it off.  They both had stories to exchange, mainly about their father / bother and I think there were photos involved.  Hmmm…

So busy she fell asleep

Piper was one busy girl today.  She had lots of visitors to meet and got so tired throughout the day that she fell asleep a few times with her visitors.  We think Piper is playing catch up with her sleep, she’s been on the go so much and it all seems to catch up with her.

Diane with a napping Piper

Cousin Caroline with a sleepy Piper

Aunt Helen with Piper

Cousin Courtney with Piper

Movin’ and Groovin’

Today Piper was talking up a storm, being social and being her adorable self.  She took a few trips in the car and is taking well to the idea of bundling up. First trip of the day was a journey to Uncle Jack’s picture studio (a photo or two to be posted soon).  All those pictures and posing made for one sleepy girl, she passed right out in her car seat for a nice nap in the afternoon.

Then in the evening at Grandma & Grandpa Deelo’s house she settled in for a night of soup & sandwiches to watch the cool rainy night.

A very special visitor

Piper got to meet Mommy’s very close friend Shannon who drove all the way from Johnsonburg to see her.  (Shannon lives in Roanoke but was up visiting family in PA).  We are so glad that Shannon was able to make the trip and meet Piper!! 

Earlier in the day Mommy attended a lunch with a great group of ladies.  Piper made a guest appearance at the end and got to meet everyone.  We will post photos of those once we find the other camera….