That face!

What an adorable little girl who knows how to turn on the charm!  We’ve watched her grow and now she’s taking on quite a personality.  She’s grown so much as you can see by the picture below of her in her cradle.  She’s probably getting too big for it but we’ve decided to keep her in there for a while longer.  At least until after we get back from our trip to Beaver.

Today, she got to see Grandma & Grandpa Deelo on video through the computer.  She really played up for the camera then passed out cold in daddy’s arms.  There’s only so much energy a girl can exert.  She also had a visit from mom’s friend Erin who has been stopping by regularly to see how Piper is doing.  Starting tomorrow, it looks like Piper will be getting some more visitors.  Some in town and some from out of town this week.  Stay tuned to see more!