Trick or Treat

DSC_0273This evening we went to Emily and Brian’s house for dinner and trick or treating.  Andrew amazed us.  He kept up with the 5 and 6 year olds sometimes even passing them up.  No house was too scary.  He just walked right up, knocked and said trick or treat.  He was definitely on a mission for candy!IMG_3229 One of our favorite neighbors – Juan and Joanne.  They were hanging out golden coins to the kids they knew.  Lucky!IMG_3221 Piper and LaurenIMG_3218 Enjoying his candy that he worked hard forIMG_2645 one of the spookier housesIMG_3234Trick or Treat!

Happy Halloween!

The kids had a great Halloween.  At Piper’s school there was a costume parade for grades K – 2.  Then each class sang a song.  Piper’s class sang to the tune of When the Saints go Marching Home.  It was really adorable.  Andrew’s class also had a pumpkin party but parents weren’t invited. DSC_0253 DSC_0243 DSC_0231 The parade on the fieldDSC_0235DSC_0255 Piper’s good friend Bella.DSC_0266 getting a big hug from AndrewDSC_0270The kindergartners

A little bit of Fall

We found a little bit of Fall out in Pasadena.  Grandma and Grandpa were going to ship us out some leaves but luckily there are some trees that change with the season in our neighborhood.  The past two days we have gathered lots of leaves up while out on our walk.  The kids had so much fun running through them, raking them up and jumping in a pile.  They don’t have the same Fall smell though but we will take what we can get!

DSC_0196 DSC_0194 DSC_0233 DSC_0209 a personality photoDSC_0239 it’s strange to see andrew so seriousDSC_0225 DSC_0227 DSC_0231 DSC_0216 DSC_0241

The Princess and her Knight

Piper and Andrew are dressing up as a princess and a knight for Halloween.  This year we wised up and took photos of them in their costumes before Halloween.  It’s always too exciting to smile for a picture when there’s candy in the near future.  We even found some leaves from a few houses in the neighborhood to make it seem more like fall. DSC_0164 DSC_0123 DSC_0184 DSC_0146DSC_0179DSC_0143DSC_0128 DSC_0183DSC_0133DSC_0157 DSC_0190Piper is holding a stone bird.  She thought it looked princessy.

Lots of Pumpkin Fun!

We went to the Lombardi pumpkin patch with Piper’s friend Bella and brother Gavin.  The kids had fun running through the corn maze, eating snow cones and riding on the train.  Later that afternoon we carved our pumpkin.  Piper drew the face which is pretty scary.  DSC_0112 IMG_3194 on the train through scarecrow alleyDSC_0103 IMG_3198 DSC_0120 Piper drawing out the pumpkin’s face and Andrew adding some doodles IMG_3199