Snow Day for October

We woke up to even more snow and wind. The schools were called off for a snow day in October. A record!
sledding with good friend Lily
On the way to the sledding hill
The winds kicked up and it wasn’t so fun to be out
On the way back from sledding
Our cat loving the snow!

A Very Snowy October

We woke up to more snow this morning and the kids had a 2 hour delay. What a great start to the week!

Playing around before school.
Even Max got to play a bit before school.
Denver weather is so silly!

Fall Break Fun

We all enjoyed having a few days off from school. Piper helped coach the little kids at the gym then we headed to the mountains for the weekend. We even got to see some snow!

with Coach Kelli

Ellis Island Simulation

The 3rd graders participated in an Ellis Island Simulation as part of the IB program. They were each assigned a name with a description of their character. Andrew was a farmer from Norway named Sven Anderson. His name was changed to Sam after he was allowed into the U.S. and he got a train ticket to Minneapolis.

Sven having his passport looked at and getting his new name. He moved on to a waiting area before being checked by the health department. Thank goodness he was in good health to avoid being deported.
Another station the immigrants had to visit before getting a train ticket to their new home.
Exchanging his money to U.S. dollars
Yes! Welcome to America!

From 80 Degrees to Snow Overnight!

It was a gorgeous Fall day on Wednesday with a high of 82 and sun. Then some crazy wind blew in our temperatures dropped from 80 to 40 degrees in 4 hours! The exciting part was waking up to snow! Hard to believe it was so warm just a day ago.