Crazy Colorado Weather

We experienced more crazy Colorado weather.  On Sunday it was 70 degrees and felt like Spring had arrived.  But then on Monday it dropped down into the single digits and we got some snow.  I don’t know if we will ever get used to the highs and lows of the temperature here.

Sunday’s (Feels Like Spring) Adventure

We made a day trip to Boulder on this very warm winter day.  First up was lunch on Pearl Street and then some hiking by Boulder Creek.  In the late afternoon we rode our bikes over to The Stanley for some pre dinner snacks and ice cream.

 Looking for gold…  Sweet Cow ice cream!Love The Stanley!

Baker Boy

We have been watching a lot of baking shows lately which inspired Andrew to want to bake a cake of his own.  We spent Friday evening making a vanilla cake with sprinkles inside while Piper was at her friend Zoe’s.  Saturday morning he decorated it and we had it for dessert.  It was delicious!


Sweet Girl!

Piper wanted to take care of us by making dinner.  We had spaghetti with Piper’s homemade sauce and perfectly boiled noodles.  It was delicious. She took care of everything and the best part was she even cleaned up.  All that was left to do was relax and enjoy.  Thank you sweet girl!