A Summer trip to Disneyland

Today, mommy took Andrew and Piper to Disneyland one last time before the summer ends.  Usually we go with friends but today it was just the 3 of us.  The kids were great and really behaved.  It helped that it wasn’t that crowed but it was very HOT!  Andrew did very well waiting in line.  We started our day off at California Adventure.  They have recently remodeled it and added in Cars Land.  That was our first stop but it was much too crowded.  So we rode a few rides in Bug’s Land before heading to Disney.  There was a small earthquake while we were there that was unnoticeable to us.  Thank goodness it happened right when we were ready to leave because they shut down the rides to check them.  Before we left the kids got an ice-cream treat.  Then as we were leaving we said hello to Mickey, Pluto and Minnie.  It was a great day!Minnie is holding a picture that Piper colored on the way down to Disney just for her

Mater cruising down the street in Cars Land

Andrew loved this guys shoes.Francis the Ladybug RideAndrew’s expression on the ladybug ride

Our new favorite ride in Bug’s LandPiper’s expression as our cart rode into the airDrew loved it too!This photo is for Micah.  The Little Einstein’s were part of a Disney Jr. Show we stopped to watch.Drew loving the whole showSleeping Beauty’s castleAndrew loved giving the characters hugs.  He wasn’t afraid at all this time.  This is Piper giving Minnie her picture.  She was so sweet to Piper!More hugs

Some Weekend Photos

We had a nice relaxing weekend.  The weather cooled off for a bit making it very enjoyable.  Here are a few random photos from the weekend including a birthday party we went to.  Pump and Splash was there to make it fun for the kids.  Mommy’s helpers shopping at Trader Joe’s!Having fun at a Pump and Splash party!

Friday Adventure – Train Ride and Lunch

Our Friday adventures are slowly coming to an end with the start of school around the corner.  We were going to hit the beach but it actually cooled off.  So the three of us took the train into town and had lunch.  Our first stop was a park in South Pasadena.  It was a new park for us.  The kids had fun following each other around.  Then we stopped at our favorite restaurant for lunch – LGO!  The kids were so well behaved we even got dessert.  Then we hopped back on the train and headed home.  A great afternoon!Waiting for the trainOur first stop

Monkey see, Monkey doGimme five!  This is our favorite place to eat!Today we dined outside which was just lovely!