Andrew Turns 10!

It’s hard to believe Andrew is 10. He’s growing up so fast!

He had a terrific day celebrating with friends and family, opening lots of presents and cards, building Legos and sleeping in his new loft bed!
Delicious ice cream cake from Sweet Cow
Birthday burgers for dinner
A homemade pillow from Piper
Building the Lego set that Grandma and Grandpa sent all by himself
His new loft bed that he has wanted for so long.

A Hot Week

It seems like we have been having an usually hot summer!

Andrew hanging out with the neighbors on their giant slip and slide
Piper was able to join the neighborhood swim team
The practices are at a brand new pool which is so nice. We are all envious she gets to swim!
Hot weather means lots of pop up thundershowers. Tonight we saw a double rainbow!

Drive By Pie

We love finding pie places in the mountains. This place was perfect because it was a drive through pie shop. We just ordered our slice of the day with no hassle. Thank you, Sherry!