A spontaneous afternoon

We couldn’t pass up a trip to the beach in the gorgeous weather we are having.  It was pretty spontaneous because we didn’t have plans to go midweek. The timing all worked out great.  We went to the beach after Piper’s school and hung out for the sunset.  The kids played a long time after the sun had gone down. They did not want to go.  We were one of the last to leave the beach.  Dave had a late meeting so we met him after work for dinner. The weather was still warm enough that we were able to eat outside.  The kids had a blast and can’t stop talking about it today.  DSC_0267 DSC_0283 What do you mean it’s the middle of January?DSC_0275 DSC_0278 DSC_0281 DSC_0263 DSC_0301 DSC_0308 DSC_0291 IMG_3385 DSC_0313 DSC_0321 DSC_0350 DSC_0358 DSC_0369 IMG_3397The place where we ate dinner.