Out to dinner

Piper kept Grandma busy today.  They had another great day together.  Only one more week left….

This evening we all went out to eat at a favorite restaurant with a fantastic outside eating area.  Piper had fun playing in her stroller while we ate.  Then she hung out with daddy who let her come up to the big table and drink some water out of his glass (she loves doing this).  Most of the water makes it right out of her mouth onto her shirt.

We’ve been noticing some new things with Piper lately.  First, she’s been babbling up a storm and making sounds of the letter E and lots of da-das.  Second, she loves moving her arms in circles and once they get moving she kicks her legs and it looks like she might take off.  Finally, she enjoys swinging toys around and throwing them to see where they land.  It’s very repetitious for us but you can probably tell how exciting it is for her.  Below are a few shots of her arms in motion.  It’s funny to watch and we’ll try to get a video clip of it soon.

Action shots of Piper’s arms in motion. 


The Family at Saladang Song