
Piper started to say “mama” alot today!  She threw in some dadas but this is the first time we’ve heard mama over and over.  Also, the raspberries were back with a bit of a tongue roll at the end.  She’s spicing things up!

We went out to lunch together and Piper got to sit in the booth and play with the purses.  She’s so good when we go out and just entertains herself.  After, lunch Grandma and Piper played with bubbles in the backyard.  Piper looked confused that she couldn’t catch the bubbles and put them in her mouth.

Then, daddy came home and she went for a ride on his shoulders.  She thought it was the best thing and was all smiles and giggles.  Poor daddy was in pain because she had a death grip on his hair. 

Tonight we said goodbye to Grandma which wasn’t too hard because we know we will see her in a few short weeks back in Beaver.  We are looking forward to it!