Friday – Surprise shower at work

Today was my last day at work as I begin my maternity leave.  It was a very busy but really great day.  Two ladies that I work with threw a surprise baby shower for me over lunch.  It was so sweet and thoughtful of them because I know they went to a lot of trouble.  I had no idea they were planning this and was pleasantly surprised.  Everyone had a good time (even the men) and I received lots of useful baby items.  We all had fun laughing at the cake that featured a baby covered in a blanket of icing.  It was really cute and funny!  I hope you can see it from the photo above.  I’m going to miss everyone until next year. 

It’s really good to have the next three weeks off so I can relax and take it easy.  Although there are a ton of things that need to get done around the house before the baby arrives.

Have a great weekend!   Look for new belly shots.