Bath time!

Piper enjoyed a nice warm bath to get her in the mood for beddy-by-time tonight.  She wanted to show Grandma how well she’s doing with bath time and was on her best behavior.  Everything went according to plan and she ended up hungry and tired.  Now, let’s just see if she’ll sleep 4 hours!

We gave Piper her very first bottle today and she seemed to take well to it.  Daddy gave her a half ounce between feedings to start working it in slowly. So far so good and we’re hoping for the best.

Today starts our last week with Grandma and we’re really going to miss her.  We’ve been doing our best to talk her into staying longer but she’s set on what she wants (she and Piper are definitely related).  We know those of you who need her back East don’t want to hear that, so don’t worry we can’t change her mind but we would love it if she extended her time with us.