Field Trip to the Huntington Gardens

It was such a gorgeous day we thought we would show Piper the Huntington Gardens.  She enjoyed being pushed around by Grandpa and Grandma Snitger. Or should I say, they really enjoyed pushing her around.  The other part of the day was filled with eating and sleeping.  It seems her tummy must be growing since she ate so much more today than any other time. She tricked her mommy into thinking she was done when really she wanted more.  We hope this isn’t foreshadowing a long night a head. 

Grandpa Snitger is leaving tomorrow.  We’re going to miss him but Piper is going to miss him the most.  He’s been such a big help in taking care of her during the day as you can see from the many photos and also during the evenings while we are eating.  It didn’t take long for him to become Piper’s favorite resting spot.  Come back soon, Grandpa!