Lots of Visitors today

Today, we had a lot of visitors which was fun.  First, Auntie Becca stopped by.  It was so great to see her!  She brought over some adorable outfits for Piper.  Then, a colleague of Jen’s dropped by with her kids  and husband.  They also brought some surprises for Piper which included a snuggly winter outfit for her trip back to Beaver at Christmas.  After that our friend Donavan stopped over with lunch which is always so nice when we don’t have to worry about food. 

I tried to take some photos of Piper during  her tummy time so you could get an idea  how strong her neck is getting to be.   They aren’t the best shots but I hope you can see how she is able to pick her head up and turn it from side to side all by herself.  We are very proud parents!