One sleepy girl

We had a pretty good night last night.  Piper gave us a few more moments of sleep which we are very happy about.  She had her awake time early this morning which gave Jen a chance to get a shower and almost finish with her hair before another feeding without any help from Grandma or Dave.  This is our favorite time of day.  We love to see those peepers open.  Then the girls made a dash for Babies ‘R Us for a few extra items.  Piper must have worn herself out this morning because she slept the whole time and then passed back out after her afternoon meal.  She slept so soundly in her papasan we had to take a few photos of how cute she looked.  The rest of the day she slept peacefully.

Hopefully, we can get a bath in this evening.  The doctor gave her approval for a real bath.  Jen is itching to try it out and see how she does.  The goal is to wear her out so we can maybe get a few more minutes of sleep tonight.  With all the sleeping she did today we don’t want her awake time to come in the nighttime.  We will let you know how it goes.