What goes up must come down

Today was a beautiful clear day here in California.  Friends of ours, Gerard & Inness (above), stopped by to visit.  Inness is also expecting a little girl and her due is not far off Jen’s original due date of October 17th.  So it’s been fun to compare notes along the way with another 1st time parents couple.  They seem right on track and much more prepared than we were at this point.  Best of luck to the both of you.

Piper was a bit fussy last night and decided she was hungry a little more often.  This made for a busy baby night where mom and Piper ended up sleeping well into the morning.  We had some really good nights right in a row there but as they say, what goes up must come down.  We’re hoping it goes back up!Everything got back on track when Grandma stepped in to help.  There’s just something with the grandmother bond, Piper and Grandma just seem to get along really well.  She was also happy she got to see her first Steelers win and a good one too.