4 Weeks old

Piper celebrated her 4 week mark by taking a trip to Grandmother’s place.  She was in remarkably good spirits after a little spit up and few naps.  The rest of the day played out very well.  Grandma was even able to give her a bit of the bottle while mom took a break.  All in all Piper had a full day of rest, curious time and tummy time.  She’s now getting ready for sleepy time and getting one more meal in before rest.

We had a little video chat with Grandpa Snitger yesterday from Beaver.  He was out in the little red MG with the top down enjoying the beautiful weather and color of the leafs (which we hear are just amazing back there right now) until he got the phone call saying Piper was awake and could jump on camera.  Not sure how fast that car goes but it got turned around fairly quick and within seconds he was home looking at Piper on the computer.  Of course we insisted that he not take away from the beautiful day just to see his granddaughter, but things worked out a bit differently.  Strange…