Being so sweet

Piper really turned on the charm today for Grandma Snitger’s last day in Pasadena before she has to head back to Beaver in the morning.  Lots of playing and smiles accented the day where Piper stole the show.  She going to miss her grandmother but only for a short while when they get back together in a few weeks.

It’s really been a blessing to have Grandma Snitger out here for this time.  She really helped us out in creating order where there was none.  For this and all the love and joy she kept in our home and our hearts, we are all very grateful.  We really look forward to having you back out again.  We sure can return the favor and send her off to you in Beaver for extended stays when she hits those teenage years.  Those are the real precious moments we don’t want you to miss.

Thanks for everything and come back soon Grandma Snitger!