What a week

Piper and Mom had an amazing week of discovery together so far.  They got into a nice groove between the feeding, the burping, the walking and the rest.. ahhh yes, the rest!  Favorite part the day is when Jen sneaks in a nap with Piper.  But as it goes, she ends up spending more time looking at Piper’s adorable face than actual sleeping.  The walks around the neighborhood between the feeding and rest really make for well rounded days.  Even though today was a bit gloomy and cool, it was still nice to get out and get some fresh air.

We’re glad the weekend is finally here. So even though it might be a little cool and on the gloomy side, inside will be nothing but be nothing but warm, sunshine, and smiles.  This little girl can really brighten up any dark day!  Just to add to the cuteness idea, we’re only showing pictures of her sleeping so you get the right image.