Super Sunday

All this excitement can really make a girl sleepy!  Unless of course you’re Piper where you want to stay awake for it all!!!  Yes, our little angle decided that today she would forgo napping and fought off sleeping to enjoy this lovely day.  As things go, the day caught up with her and she passed out cold in the evening just in time for Mom & Dad to make dinner and clean up the house.  Wow is it nice to go to sleep and wake up to a nice clean house!

Maybe she put all her enthusiasm into seeing her Steelers win again this fine day?  But, oh yeah, we did forget to tell her that sometimes there are games on Monday night too.  So as her momentum is recollected, she will hopefully sleep well tonight knowing her brand new pink Steeler’s outfit awaits for Monday night as she cheers on her beloved black & gold!

Tomorrow is also a big day for her turning 6 weeks and paying a visit back to the doctors.  We will keep you informed on how things go.