Social Sunday

Piper was her busy self today.  We all went up to Paseo for some shopping and took a detour over to an mini arts festival by the City Hall building.  It has just been renovated so that neat fun to see. 

Then this evening we headed over to a co-worker/neighbor of mommy’s for a bbq.  They have two dogs that entertained Piper.  The one brown dog in the pictures was afraid of her when we arrived but warmed right up.  They hung out in yard together and Piper was kind enough to share her Cherrios with her.  This dog brought out big giggles from Piper which had us all laughing. 

Piper is also getting lots of love from our cat.  You can see from the photos below she has no fear and just loves the attention even if it means her fur is being pulled out.

**iWeb still isn’t up and running smoothly.  We are able to post but for some reason the comment feature is still down.  Hopefully they will resolve that soon.

Tom, mommy and Piper

City Hall – Pasadena