Just hanging out

Piper had a good day with Jeannette.  They got to break up the day and visit Ben for a little play date.  Which was a great because it was too hot to be outside and too nice to stay in.

This evening Piper got tons of love from mommy and daddy.  She had lots to tell (as you can see from the photos) about her day.  What a doll!

Taking Off

Piper is getting pretty good at crawling now.  She still needs some practice but is able to get around.  Today, we left her sitting on the floor for a second.  In the time we had come back she had crawled across the floor and was standing up over her toy basket.  Wow!  We better get ready for our baby on the go.

11th Months Old – Visiting with Friends

Piper had a very busy day socializing.  First, she met little Luke who is just 3 months old.  He was out with his parents visiting from Philly.  It was so great to finally meet him and he is just adorable!! 

Then, Piper hung out with her new friend Ben this evening.  They seemed more into each other tonight instead of just their toys.  For part of the time they did a call and respond to each other’s voices.  Piper was a trooper and stayed up a little past her bed time.   What a wonderful day being with such wonderful friends!

The Last Swimmy Lesson

Today, was Piper’s last swimming lesson and she enjoyed every minute.  It was a great experience for her and daddy.  We are so glad Piper isn’t afraid of the water and we cant’ wait to get her back in the pool. 

A New Friend – Ben

Piper spent the afternoon with a new neighborhood friend.  Ben is 2 months younger than Piper but quite a bit bigger.  They kids mostly ignored each other but were really into each others toys.  It was fun watching them eyeing each other up for whatever the other one was playing with.  What a nice afternoon and we look forward to doing it again soon. 

I’ll take this, thank you.

gosh, that looks like fun….