The Little Adventurer

Piper is getting so anxious to be mobile.  Today, she got the hang of getting up on her hands and knees and even did a little crawling.  She only moved a little bit but did it more than once.  Then, tonight Piper took her newly founds skills to bed and kept pulling herself up in her crib.  Then did a few laps before crying because she couldn’t get done.  One thing she doesn’t want to practice.  We are hoping her crawling blossoms but hope the excitement of pulling herself up in her crib diminishes fast.

Our sweet Piper Grace

It was another normal day around here with Piper up to her usual tricks. 

Piper sure does enjoy using her voice.  The nanny loves that she “make alotta noise”.  It’s interesting she’s so vocal coming from two pretty quiet parents.  The only time she’s silent is during a mealtime.  When she goes walking around the Rose Bowl with mommy she is very chatty drawing the attention of everyone she passes.  That’s pretty much the scene all the time.  With all the talking she’s doing now we better start saving up for the phone bill when she hits the teenybopper years…

the tickle monster got me

a singing Piper

Playtime with my Daddy

Piper had another tooth pop through up top.  This makes for a total of four teeth, 2 on the top and 2 on the bottom. 

Daddy and Piper enjoyed their fun time together this evening before bed.  There were lots of giggles and belly laughs.

Sunny-side Up

One of our favorite things with Piper is when she wakes up from a nap.  We are greeted with big smiles when she’s so happy to see us.  She has been this way ever since she was little which makes it such a great time of the day for whoever is lucky enough to wake her.

Piper has also been getting really good at standing herself up.  She grabs onto something and pulls and moves her feet until she’s standing.  Funny to watch how determined she is.  She’s still not crawling but standing and cruising between objects is her favorite activity.