Snow, Snow, Snow!!

Piper and mommy are back in Beaver visiting for the Thanksgiving holiday.  They arrived Thursday night to snow and cold crisp air.  Piper was great on the flight, she was her ‘busy bee’ self.  We were lucky to have the middle seat open so she could play and bounce about.  Didn’t actually sleep a wink because she was so busy.  The man sitting in our row was so worn out watching her.

It’s been fun visiting with family and friends.  Piper has settled in to the good life of being spoiled by her grandparents. To be continued…

Celebration Time

Today, Piper helped Ben celebrate his first birthday.  She had so much fun at the party.  There was gravel to dig in and lots of open spaces to explore.  It’s just too bad the kids were both so busy we didn’t get a shot of them together. 

Begging for more cake

Ben and Piper tackling the stairs

A Trip to the Zoo

Today, Piper met her Aunt Becca, Aunt Christine and Cousin Gabby at the Zoo and had a great time!  She was able to walk around (with help) and loved when Aunt Becca would swing her in the air.  She wasn’t into the animals as much as finding leaves and twigs along the way.  Such a busy girl! So after all this excitement she took a big nap.

Aunt Becca showing Piper the giraffes

A busy girl

with Aunt Christine and Gabby

Weee….I love this!

Pointing out mom’s nose

Hey, look what I found down here

Strolling along…

Thanks for such a fun day!