Start of the New Year

We had a wonderful visit with Grandma and Grandpa over the holidays.  It’s amazing how much we were able to do and see.  Never a dull moment!  It was also great having the extra help which we truly appreciate!  We miss them already and Piper has been looking for them since Wednesday.  Thank you for a wonderful time and such great memories!

Grandpa and his girls

one last snuggle with Grandma

15th Month Check-up   

Piper had her 15 month doctor appointment today.  She grew 2 inches and is now 30.5 inches tall.  Also, she gained a pound and now weighs 21 pounds 4 oz.  The doctor thought she looked great and was happy with her progress.

Piper saying “hello” on her phone

Showing where her tongue is

A Trip to Seal Beach

Today, we took a trip to Seal Beach to visit a high school friend of Grandpa’s.  We all had a nice time enjoying the new sights.  It was a bit chilly but at least the sun was out.  Piper was such a trooper missing both of her naps.  She’s becoming quite the social butterfly!