Splish Splash

It was another HOT day here so Piper took Grandma to the Huntington Children’s Garden to splash around.  As you can see she had a ball in the fountains running from one to the other.  She was soaking wet when we left but nice and cool!

a run through the tunnel

drying off after playtime

Summertime Fun!

The weather felt like summer today.  Luckily for Piper her neighbor Jackson invited her over for some cool playtime.  They splashed around in his water table then had popsicles together.  Piper is going to have so much fun this summer!

A Week of Photos

We apologize for the lag in postings but it’s been pretty busy around here.  Below are some photos of Piper from the week. 

playing fetch with Duncan

sitting pretty at my new big girl table

Toddler Group

Piper’s toddler class met inside the preschool instead of the park today because the kids are on Spring break.  There was lots to play with including a doll house with lots of pretend things.  Piper even was able to see real live chickens and a big rabbit!