Piper and her Daddy!

Daddy was in NYC for almost a week and boy did Piper miss him.  She asked every day “daddy, work?” when he didn’t come home in the evenings.  Finally he was back.  We aren’t sure who missed each other more between daddy and Piper.

Hanging with Ben

Piper was able to play at Ben’s house today.  His mommy got out the water table which was lots of fun for Piper.  Even though she looks pretty serious in all the photos she loved it.  The whole time we were there she played in the tub.  This water table had a fancy faucet that you could turn on and off which Piper mastered quickly.  She definitely has a love for water.

Visiting with Friends

Benjamin recently came over to play.  He tried to sit on her lap so he could get a better angle to color.  Piper isn’t too sure of this move on his part.

Piper’s youngest friend Caden came by for a visit.  Piper kept saying “baby hold”, “baby hold” so we put Caden on her lap.  As you can see in the picture above she thought he was pretty neat and was fascinated by him.