Movin’ on Up

We’re very excited to announce that we are new home owners!  It’s been 7 great years here but it was time for us to find a bigger home for our family.  The new home is right around the corner from us and we will be posting photos in the next week or so. 

Pictured above is our last family photo at our old home. 

Park Date with Grandma

Piper took Grandma to her park in the morning.  They had fun playing peek-a-boo and going up and down the slide.  

Later that afternoon Piper got sick.  We aren’t sure if it’s a virus or something she ate.  She seems to be feeling fine other than having some tummy troubles.  She had a good night sleep and a great next day on Wednesday.  


Finger Paints

The gang got together for some finger painting today.  Piper had fun painting on the paper as well as herself.   She had no problem getting it everywhere compared to the two boys who were much neater about it.  Afterwards they rinsed off in the water table.