23 Months Old!

Piper can point out almost every letter in the alphabet.  Her favorite color seems to be orange.  She enjoys eating food cut into shapes (circle pieces of cheese, rectangle gramcrackers, triangle pieces of water mellon and so on).  It’s also interesting to note how many books she has memorized and can fill in the blanks when we read together.

Home Photos

Below are a few photos inside our new house.  Since the rest of it is a work in progress we will wait to post those rooms as they become presentable. 

Piper’s room – perfect for a little girl.

The master bedroom

The sun porch

The Piper and Jackson Show

Piper spent the afternoon over at Jackson’s house.  The kids play so well together and adore each other It’s so sweet!

The highlight was Jackson’s new fort which was so much fun!

playing in the sandbox

making pretty pictures

being silly in the fort

the tickle monster got me