Friday Special

This afternoon we went to a playdate with a big water slide.  Piper was pretty intimidated by the height of it and preferred splashing in the pool part.  Plus, she was out numbered by lots of boys.

After our playdate she enjoyed hanging out with her man Jackson at his house. 

ok, I’ll try climbing up

this doesn’t look as fun from way up here…

water tables are so much more my speed

enjoying a tasty treat with Jackson

I LOVE my daddy!!

The Merry-Go-Round

One of Piper’s favorite things to do is ride the merry-go-round.  As soon as we enter the mall from a department store she gets so excited.  It’s amazing she knows where we are headed since we don’t go that often.  Once into the mall she begins to to clap and jump up and down in anticipation.  The whole ride is a thrilling experience for her – see photo below.

Piper is still dealing with this awful cold although we think it might be getting better.