Family and Friends

While we were home Piper spent an afternoon with Eli and baby Micah.  She had a ball playing with Eli and his toys.  It was also a thrill for her to hold Micah on her lap and touch his head because it was so soft (see the video clip below).

She then spent the evening with Avery and Payton.  The girls took great care of Piper during the visit.  It’s amazing to see how much they have grown each time we are home. 

Payton (4), Piper and Avery (2 1/2)

These girls always take great photos but Piper never seems to cooperate.

Eli (3), Micah  and Piper

Out and About in Beaver

A few photos from our wonderful week back home.

Reading the paper and having a snack with Grandpa

Taking a stroll along River Road

Walking the babies

Getting a little trim (her second haircut)

Playing at Linn (Buffalo) Park

Checking out books at the library

Our Week at Stone Harbor

Sunday was our only sunny day at the beach.  Piper had fun making castles.



We still enjoyed the beach even though it was a bit overcast.  Later in the afternoon Piper played at the park.


We enjoyed shopping on 96th Street.  Piper loved the big clock in the middle of town that played songs every hour. There was always room for Springer’s Ice Cream a huge treat for Piper. 


We spent the evening in Ocean City.   Piper rode some rides on the boardwalk.

Making the most at W&W


It was too windy to go to the beach today so we went to the library for story time.

Others had the same idea.


A big storm blew in late Thursday night into Friday morning producing lots of rain.  We attempted the beach with the skies looking gloomy.  Even though the weather wasn’t the greatest Piper had so much fun digging in the sand.


Time to say goodbye

Back Home to Pasadena

Piper and mommy made it safely back to Pasadena on Saturday.  The flight wasn’t full so they had the row all to themselves.  Also, the flight arrived 40 minutes early which also helped.  Piper was so excited to see her daddy at the airport.  She announced it very loudly on the airplane that she was “going to see daddy” while landing. 

Sunday afternoon Piper went over to Jackson’s house to play in his new slide.  It’s still very hot here.  The kids were very glad to see each other.  Piper seems to adjusted already to being back at home.

We had a wonderful couple of weeks back East and will post photos throughout the week of the trip.

Fall Vacation

We apologize for the delay in postings but mommy and Piper have been on a get-a-way vacation.  They decided to leave the wildfires of California for clear air until things subside.  They landed in Pittsburgh last Thursday (9/3) then headed to Stone Harbor with Grandma, Grandpa, Aunt Susie and Uncle Jack the next day.  Piper was amazing on the airplane as well as the long car ride to the beach.  She also adapted to 3 different sleeping situations without any fuss, what a trooper!!

Here are a few photos from the travels.  The weather wasn’t the greatest at the shore but we made the most of it.  We’ll update more once back to Pasadena.