Fun with Grandpa and Grandma

Piper woke up Wednesday morning to another nice surprise, her Grandma.  What a treat for Piper to have her Grandparents out for a long visit.  It’s been nice having Grandma help watch Piper while Grandpa continues working hard on our house projects.  We hope to be able to share pictures soon of the updates. 

The pictures are from an afternoon at Lacy Park.  It’s  one of the most beautiful parks in Pasadena.

Chuck E. Cheese

We apologize for not posting lately but we were experiencing technical problems.  Everything seems to be working again.

Piper took Grandpa to one of her favorite hang outs – Chuck E. Cheese.  She just loves running around putting the coins in the slots and playing.

Ben’s Birthday

On Saturday we helped Ben celebrate turning 2.  Piper had so much fun at his party that she didn’t want to leave.  Miss Monica really knows how to throw a party! 

We wish we had a better photos of the two kids together. 

More Visitors

Over the weekend our friend Ellen and her friend Tracy came to visit us.  It was great showing them around our town and our new home.  We hope to see them again really soon.  Thanks for the fun time!

in front of the bouncy-house at the Monrovia Farmer’s Market