Rain, Rain and more Rain

We’ve almost survived the week of rain.  Piper has been so pleasant everyday just playing inside.  It’s very easy to keep her entertained and happy.  Hopefully tomorrow will be the last day of rain so we can get back to the park.  We are also happy to report our house has withstood all this crazy wet weather too.  Whew!

Dancing Girls

Piper attending her first dancing class this morning.  It was a small group of girls between the ages of 2 and 3.  Piper had a ball!  She followed along mimicking the teacher who showed them very simple fun moves.  Piper really got into it and wasn’t the least bit shy.  We can’t wait to go back next week.

showing off some of my new moves

Wild Weather

Piper experienced some pretty wild weather today.  There was hail, thunder, lightning and rainbows.  These were all a first experience for Piper since this doesn’t happen too much out here.  She thought it was all pretty neat especially the rainbows.

Rainy Days

This afternoon rain moved in so Piper went outside to check it out.  She splashed around in puddles and enjoyed getting wet.  It looks like rain for the rest of the week here…could be one long week.

The Zoo

Piper met her littlest friend Caden at the Zoo today.  We did see lots of animals out and about but it was just too hard to get Piper to pose.  She was more into watching the animals.  The hippo put on quite a show for us and was the highlight.

We discovered the playground at the top today.  Piper can’t miss out on an opportunity to slide.

too busy for pictures

showing Caden how to slide down backwards