Rose Bowl Open House

We went to the open house at the Rose Bowl.  This year they had fun activities to do.  Piper and Jackson loved jumping in the bouncy house.  Plus, they ran their little legs off on the field.  We also saw the press box which was something new. 

view from the other side of the press box

looking down from the press box

run, run, run…


Happy Mother’s Day!

Happy Mother’s Day!

It was a very special day for mommy.  Piper and daddy took her out to breakfast which is always a treat!  Then we had a wonderful picnic in the park with lots of play time.  We are so blessed to have such a sweet daughter to celebrate with!

Adventure at The Kidspace Museum

We visited the Kidspace Museum in Pasadena this morning.  Piper had so much fun especially playing in the water areas.  Next time we will wear a bathing suit.  We also saw Ben’s Grandma and cousin Leo. 

Piper still enjoys painting so she spent alot of time at the bugs leaf.

She also likes to hang out with the fish and checkout the different seashells.

today we explored the upper area that had a little creek and waterfall for the kids to play in

There was also a log cabin with water wheel.  Piper loved when the water dripped off the roof.

getting all wet

Piper couldn’t resist running through the water at the front before leaving.  She was so cold we took her shirt from the area above but that sure didn’t stop her…

Baby Update

We wanted to give everyone a quick update on how the baby is doing.  Today, we had our 32 week appointment with an ultrasound.  The baby looked very healthy and checked out great.  He is measuring 5 pounds already so it looks like he’s going to be a very BIG boy since we still have 2 months to go!  We were very surprised to hear this knowing Piper was only 6 pounds when she was born.  The next appointment is in two weeks so we will do another update then.  Hopefully he comes a  little early so he’s not too big….