Piper and Aunt Becca

Aunt Becca came over to visit Piper this evening while mommy and daddy went on a date night.  They had a great time blowing bubbles, painting and dancing.  Piper didn’t even miss us while we were gone.  We can’t thank Aunt Becca enough!

Getting things ready

Over the weekend we brought in the cradle for the baby to sleep in.  Piper was a big help getting it all ready for him.  She actually placed her baby in there, rocked her to sleep while singing Rock a Bye-Baby.  It was really sweet.  Piper is also having fun helping mommy get his clothes washed.  She loves trying on his hats and playing peek-a-boo in the blankets.

Mommy and Piper went on an ice-cream date together this week.  It’s great having a few more girl bonding moments before the baby arrives.

singing and rocking her baby to sleep

On our way back from the ice-cream date.  Piper likes to get a combo of chocolate and rainbow sherbet

36 Week Baby Check-Up

I had my 36 week appointment today to check how the baby is doing.  The doctor was very pleased from what he could see and said everything looked great.  The baby is still averaging larger than normal but I guess it’s only an estimate.  We are anxiously waiting his arrival.  Piper seems very excited to meet the baby and to help take care of him.  Let’s hope he arrives sooner than later!

More Summer Fun!

Aunt Becca came over for a BBQ tonight (and Jackson’s family too).  The kids had fun playing on Jackson’s water slide and blowing bubbles.  Piper also loved seeing her Aunt Becca and can’t wait to do it again soon!

A Hot June Day

It was another hot day here.  Piper kept cool playing in her ladybug sprinkler.  Then in the afternoon she met her friends at the indoor playground called Under the Sea.  It was nice to be inside and out of the heat. 

They have so many great things to keep the kids busy!

bouncing with my buds

making yummy stuff in the kitchen area