Bubbles at Kidspace

Kidspace had a bubble themed weekend.  It was perfect for Piper because she loves bubbles so much. 

Making bubble artwork

blowing lots of bubbles

Andrew enjoying being out

Painting – another favorite of Piper’s

splashing around

hanging out back at home

A Social Sunday

Great Uncle Randy and Aunt Sandy were visiting from St. Louis this weekend.  Piper and Aunt Sandy really hit if off and were good buds during the stay.  It was so nice to catch up.

our neighborhood ice-cream truck that stops by every Sunday

Andrew getting so big

Week of Fun

hanging out in the morning

playing at Garfield Park

sharing a chocolate shake

Oh Boy! Getting so big

riding the train with pooh-bear

Relaxing at the Beach

Today we enjoyed a wonderful day at the beach with Aunt Becca, Aunt Christine and Aunt Sandy who is visiting from St. Louis. 

Piper and Aunt Sandy making a sea turtle

jumping the waves

Piper loves the ocean water

Mommy, Piper and Andrew

Andrew’s first time to the beach

Piper and cousin Gabby

Piper with Aunt Becca and cousin Gabby

Piper with Aunt Sandy

Andrew relaxing by the pool