Andrew Update

Andrew had his stitches removed today.  The doctor said the area around his ear looked great and we do not have to go back for a follow up. 

The picture is right after his appointment.  He is always such a happy little guy.  It melts our hearts.

A Rainy Saturday

We woke up to rain this morning.  Piper couldn’t wait to get outside with her new Elmo umbrella and rain boots.  She also insisted on wearing some cozy pants. 

letting the rain fall on her face


Piper, Andrew and mommy went to Disneyland with friends Erin and Caden.  It was a great day!  Piper saw lots of her favorite characters and was able to go on her favorite rides (the merry-go-round, It’s a Small World and the Tea Cups).  Andrew however doesn’t like going on the rides much.  He was much happier hanging out in the stroller.  The park was all decorated for Christmas which got us in the spirit a little early.

too bad Andrew wasn’t in the photo or this would have made a nice Christmas card

Pictures taken in the main courtyard with the tree and clock (another favorite)

The cups with Erin and Caden.  The kids talked Erin into taken them for a second ride

The merry-go-round and Andrew in his front carrier.