Christmas Cookies

It’s been pouring down rain nonstop here for the last two days.  Since we’ve been stuck in the house we thought it would be fun to make Christmas cookies.  Grandma made her delicious cookie and icing recipe from scratch for us.  Piper helped her roll out the dough and press out the shapes.  Then we all helped ice them.  Piper had so much fun with the whole process and was so helpful.  Even Andrew joined in on the action. 


making Andrew laugh

Christmas Dinner Party

Tonight we went over to Piper’s friends Maddie, Sophie, and Max’s for a Christmas dinner party.  It was nice to have something to do in this wet weather.  We all had a great time together and the kids especially loved seeing one another.

The pictures are at our house before we left.

Goofing Around

Piper loves her brother and he loves her too!  Yesterday they were being goofy when I sat Andrew down for a bit so he could kick around.  The next thing I know Piper is laying right beside him making him laugh.  She had to get the other changing pad down to be close. They were both giggling hard at each other and it was the sweetest thing! 

Happy Birthday, Daddy!

We helped celebrate daddy’s birthday by meeting him for lunch.  Then we all went out and celebrated again at dinner.  Piper picked out a Handy Manny birthday ballon, a small cake for daddy and insisted on wearing party hats.  You would have thought it was her birthday she was so wound up all day long.