Swing Time

We took a nice walk in the neighborhood in the morning then headed to the park.  Andrew and Piper both had a great time swinging.  This evening we went over to Jackson’s for dinner.  It was great catching up.

Sweet Potatoes!

Andrew loves sweet potatoes.  He’s actually enjoying  eating all his solids foods now.  We are feeding him cereal in the morning and cereal and a veggie in the evenings.  He always seems to want more when his bowls are empty. 

Back to Work

Mommy returned to work last week.  It’s been a difficult transition for mommy and Piper after being together for so many months.  We are thankful to have Jeanette our babysitter back to help watch the kids.  She is great and a lot of help.  But it is still hard to leave them.

Today, Piper and Andrew went downtown to see where mommy works.  Piper had fun pressing the buttons in the elevator, swinging around in mom’s chair and finding snacks in the kitchen.  Andrew was all smiles and very social.  Too bad work can’t be this fun everyday!