Happy St. Patty’s Day   

Happy St. Patrick’s Day from the O’Leeds!

(Deelo spelled backwards)

The kids had a great day with the babysitter.  Piper made scones and colored lots of pictures.  This afternoon we all went to Maddie, Sophie and Max’s for a playdate.  We love going to their house!

Andrew Standing

Andrew’s getting so big and strong he can support himself standing while holding on to something.  He loves pulling up on our hands into the standing position too.  It’s fun to watch how excited he gets before he has to sit down.  We think he might take after his sister and forget the whole crawling thing.  Although he is more mobile than she was at this age.  His main way of getting around is rolling.  He hasn’t quite figured out how to rock back up on his knees yet.  We will see what the next few weeks bring.

Sunny Tahoe

Today we took a scenic drive down to South Tahoe. It was a beautiful sunny day.  Piper and mommy took a sleigh ride which was a lot of fun.  Then we went sled riding again.  The conditions were perfect.  We had the area to ourselves and the snow was nice and fast.  Piper didn’t have any fear going down the hill by herself.  After naps we went to the park by the beach again. 

We ate at an Italian restaurant for dinner which had a window where you could watch them making pizza.  All the kids got pieces of dough to pretend with.  Piper LOVED it because she LOVES making pizza with daddy. 

Sleigh ride over looking the lake

zoom zoom fast

making the pizza

Our last sunset by the beach

Drew had the best time just hanging out on the blanket playing with toys. 

Piper’s big cozy bed in the loft.  She was confused why there wasn’t a door.  We told her it was because it was a cabin and that seemed to make sense to her. (Whew!)  She did great sleeping all by herself.

The view looking down from Piper’s room

Ready for the snow

We took the scenic drive home which was very beautiful.  This was a snowy mountain range taken from the car