Drew is Crawling   

Andrew started crawling over the weekend but he really got the hang of it on Tuesday.  Ever since we’ve had to look out because he can get everywhere now!  It’s amazing how quickly he can find things he is not supposed to have.

Up to trouble!

Bunny Hop

On Wednesday we went to see the Easter Bunny at the Americana outdoor mall.  Both kids did really well. 

Friday we went to the zoo and had fun at their Bunny Hop.  Piper made bunny ears and was able to pet some real bunnies.  The one woman remarked how gentle she was.  Then we saw our friends Erin and Caden before heading back home for naps.

Grandma’s Visiting!

We are so happy to have Grandma back out for a nice long visit! 

Enjoying the nice weather

Piper decorated the wall in Grandma’s room with flowers.  Most of the pictures she made herself using thumb and hand prints.  The rest she helped glue together.  She also picked fresh flowers from our yard.

Here is a picture of her thumbprint hyacinth close up. 

Sunny Sunday

It was a beautiful day today.  We spent most of the time outdoors.  Piper practiced hunting eggs and Drew practiced crawling.  He has started to crawl but isn’t an expert yet.

Piper in another pretty dress from Sophie and Maddie

Easter Egg Hunt and Friend Get Together

It was a very busy day for us.  This morning we went to a Spring Festival at the park by our house.  They had games, face painting, crafts and an egg hunt.  The only bad thing was it was extremely HOT.  They let Piper join in on the older egg hunt because it was too warm to hang out for her age group.  She was overwhelmed by the older kids and didn’t have a chance to find any eggs.  Luckily she was able to pick from a basket afterwards that was full of goodies. 

Then late this afternoon we had our friends over.  It was a goodbye get together for our friend’s Maya and family plus Marsha and family who will be moving this summer.  We will miss them all so much!

Piper wasn’t too sure of this Easter Bunny

From left to right:  Landon (1), Preston(3), Lucas(7mnths), Jackson(3), Elijah(3) who looks so sad, Piper(3) and Drew(10mnths).